About Us

And the lord said unto the servant, Go out into the highways and hedges, and compel them to come in, that my house may be filled. – Luke 14:23, KJV

Who Are We?

Hi, we’re the Tune Family and “Taking it to the street…” is our motto (simply because it’s what we do best).

Our hearts are with the people not necessarily everyone sees–those who are forgotten (invisible), mocked, mistreated, abused, neglected, alone, poor, homeless, pregnant teens… In other words, anyone who is labeled as different; anyone who isn’t accepted for who they truly are. No one should feel like they aren’t loved. It’s our desire – and job as Highways & Byways Ministries – to see that they don’t.

Where We Have Walked

At 15, I was living on the street and sleeping in a car. My husband and I even joined the carnival. I was a pregnant teen – a runaway.

A lot of people urged me to have an abortion. I knew I could never do that. I went on to marry the baby’s father. We loved our baby, Michele. (Many of you know her as Raw Juice Girl.)

Of course, life – or marriage – isn’t always easy. Everything from chronic illness to bankruptcy has effected our lives but almost 36 years later, we’re still together.

Brother Stanley & Sister Debbie

Deb and Stan


Deb and Stan 2

Still Together

Mom and Dad 2

Brother And Sister Debbie Tune

Brother Stanley And Sister Debbie Tune 2011

Grace of God 2011 Brother and Sister Tune (Still together)

Body, Mind, & Soul

I believe in the holistic approach. Not only does our soul need nourishment, our bodies do as well. And that’s why I’m also the Herb Lady. I’ve been in natural medicine for over 20 years.

… and the leaf thereof for medicine. – Ezekiel 47:12




What Do We Do?

  • We sing, minister, uplift, encourage… This may be in the middle of a parking lot, with bikers as the audience. It might be in a church, big or small, whatever the denomination. We may hold a service under a pavilion in a park, or even a tent.
  • We cook, bake, and/or serve the hungry. We are called to be servants. Jesus Christ came and walked the earth as a servant. He died as a servant. And, we walk as servants in his stead.

But made himself of no reputation, and took upon him the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men:” –Philippians 2:7, KJV

  • We cater to those in need – whatever they might be in need of. Maybe they’ve just lost a home to a fire or storm. We use our resources to gather clothes, food, household supplies, etc., to help them get back on their feet. Perhaps they’ve just been fired or kicked out of their current home, we’ll do what we can to be of assistance. The situation could be a pregnant teen with nowhere to go. We aim to provide a refuge. This is our calling, our duty.
  • We visit, encourage, sing to, minister to, and pray for the sick – whether they be home bound, in the hospital or a nursing home. Sister Debbie, a.k.a Sister Sunshine, when she’s bringing cheer to the ill, enjoys being able to have a part in brightening the day of those suffering with health issues and recovering from illness or surgery. It’s worth it all to see a big smile spread across a tired face.

Help Us Help Others.

We are a family who strives to do God’s work. We aren’t funded by any denomination or organization. It’s our greatest desire to share our talents, our hearts, our strength, with anyone who needs us. That said, we realize we are limited in what we can do with our personal resources alone. So, after much prayer (and fasting) we’ve decided to place a Donation button on this site. We are a small family ministry and can only help so much. If you’d like to help us help others, feel free to click the button below and enter whatever amount that is on your heart.

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